How many #DogBallers can you come up with…?!
Twitter has come up with some hilarious footballer pun names, for its latest hashtag: #DogBallers
Our Personal favourites include Emile Huskey, Spaniel Sturridge and Stray Given!
@MirrorFootball Spaniel Sturridge #Dogballers
— Greg Walsh (@greggles_w) September 10, 2013
#DogBallers Kenny Dogleash — Daras Singh (@ItsDaras7) September 10, 2013
#DogBallers Muzzle Ozil — Jordan A Chamberlain (@Jordan_AC90) September 10, 2013
#dogballers David N’Dog @MirrorFootball — BÖURN07 (@bourn07) September 10, 2013
@MirrorFootball Darren Fetcher #dogballers — Jack Martello (@JackMartello) September 10, 2013
#Dogballers Muzzle Izzet, Steve Pit-bull, John Terrier, Jack Russell Rodwell, German Shepherd Defoe — Mark Oliver (@MarkOllie) September 10, 2013
@MirrorFootball Crystal Palace – The BEagles. #dogballers
— Simon Robinson (@Simon_ERobinson) September 10, 2013
I could genuinely go on all day with #dogballers Emile Huskey, Stray Given, Gareth Tail, Spanial Alves, Dennis Paw..
— Joe Fennell (@JFennell94) September 10, 2013