5. The league is still waiting for a team in L.A. and/or Toronto
While London is not exactly preparing itself for the possibility of joining the NFL, the city of Los Angeles has been considered a front-runner for a new NFL for over a decade.
The Rams and Raiders both left the city in Los Angeles in the mid-90s, but there have been whispers that one of several NFL teams could move there if their leases expire in the coming year. But several times the NFL has placed a team in L.A. and every time the team has failed to generate the kind of buzz that the Lakers do with their games. Even so, L.A. is still a much more likely candidate to gain an NFL team in a place that has a history with franchises that a brand new market.
The city of Toronto is in the process of putting together a bidding group to purchase the Buffalo Bills, who lost owner and founder Ralph Wilson Jr. in March. If the group is successful it is just as likely to move the team to Toronto – where the team played once a year for several years in the mid-2000s.