Sandro scores an own goal and throws up at the Etihad…
“They call Negredo the beast. There’s only one beast and his name’s Sandro. How can we lose with him starting? ” FAMOUS LAST WORDS
— Roshan Jeet #YNWA (@rockyroshi) November 24, 2013
poor sandro…u score an own goal, get booked and vomit on the pitch….it cant any worse than that.
— John Kinyua (mogul) (@John_Kinyua) November 24, 2013
So Sandro how you getting on tearing Yaya a new arsehole today ???
— Colin the Cabbie (@Colinthecabbie) November 24, 2013
After Sandro throwing up earlier someone please tell me theres been another case of food poisoning because I’m struggling to believe this
— andy (@andymayirou) November 24, 2013
Sandro is struggling. Might need an early barf. @talkSPORT ON AIR
— Stan Collymore (@StanCollymore) November 24, 2013
Can’t blame poor old Sandro – if I was playing for this Spurs team, I’d throw up too.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) November 24, 2013
But… but… With a midfield consisting of Sandro, Dembele and Paulinho it’s almost impossible for Spurs to be dominated like this, right?!
— Andre (@WunderTor) November 24, 2013